Michele and Maxine met in July of 2006, while working together at Walter Reed Army National Military Medical Center in Washington, DC.  We instantly became close friends and have always shared the need to want to help others and make a difference in the world.  Michele eventually moved back to her home state of Ohio, while Maxine stayed in Maryland, and we always kept in touch with each other on a regular basis.

In January 2014, while on the phone discussing “life’s events” the concept of giving a “hug with a blanket” came about. We both agreed we didn’t just want to help those in need in the United States of America, but all over the world.  We also agreed that we wanted to help ANYONE in need, and not limit the help to one specific group, country or entity. We agreed that we would accept blanket donations and with any monetary donations we would use the money to buy new blankets and ship them around the world!! We decided to create a Non Profit Organization and call it “Blankets Around The World”, (BATW).

After months of research, debate and enlisting the help of our board members, we created this Non-Profit Organization and its bylaws and received the Non-Profit status in May of 2014, in the state of Ohio, where Michele resides. A secondary office was created in Maryland, where Maxine resides.  Although we are still waiting for their 501 c3 Non Profit Tax approval, we continue to move forward with giving “Blanket Hugs”!

Our family and friends started donating blankets and some of their time to help with this cause. After talking with Jamie Lyn Murphy, who created our logo, our Facebook page was born. We started to receive many requests for blankets. Michele and Maxine traveled to local houses to drop off blankets and also dropped off boxes to be mailed.  We were absolutely thrilled that people were finding comfort in the “Blanket Hug” they received from BATW! We also enlisted the help of Rachel Grabowkski to create our first web page, which was launched on November 21, 2015.

Michele and Maxine greatly appreciate all the help that was donated by family and friends to launch this very important mission: To provide comfort through our "blanket hugs".  We thank you for taking the time to read our story and hope you will be inspired to “pay it forward” by donating a blanket today or requesting a “Blanket Hug” for someone you love!  Thank you……